Jim Wells County Business directory
> United States > Texas > Jim Wells County
Business entries of Jim Wells County are listed here with address, operation hours and ratings of users. You can add your own business entry or association here.
Jim Wells County entries
There were 3650 entries found
Cities & surrounding
Jim Wells County branches and surrounding
- Business Directory
- Alice
- Premont
- Rancho Alegre
- Orange Grove
- Coyote Acres
- Alice Acres
- Coyote Acres Colonia
- Sandia
- Westdale
- K-Bar Ranch
- Amargosa Colonia
- Loma Linda East Colonia
- Alfred
- El Ranchito Colonia
- Rolling Acres Colonia
- Rolling Acres Estates Colonia
- Aimee Acres Colonia
- Orange Acres Colonia
- Aimee Acres Number 2 Colonia
- Orange Blossom Estates Colonia
- Owl Ranch Number 1 Colonia
- Owl Ranch Number 2 Colonia
- Owl Ranch Number 3 Colonia
- Alfred Acres Colonia
- Alfred Hilltop Estates Colonia
- Sandia Gardens Colonia
- Little Lake Acres Colonia
- Sandia Mobile Home Park Colonia
- Bentonville
- Orange Grove Villa Colonia
- Bentonville Acres Colonia
- Orange Valley Estates Colonia
- R and R Colonia
- Rozypal Estates Colonia
- Alice Acres Colonia
- Westdale Estates Number 1 Colonia
- Westdale Estates Number 2 Colonia
- Westdale Estates Number 3 Colonia
- Westdale Estates Number 4 Colonia
- San Petronilla Number 3 Colonia
- Martinez Addition Colonia
- Roth Estates Colonia
- Holshouser Number 1 Colonia
- Loma Alta Ranch Colonia
- Holshouser Number 2 Colonia
- Holshouser Number 3 Colonia
- Sandy Bluff Colonia
- John L Norris Colonia
- Rancho de la Parita
- Hilltop Estates Colonia
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Economic activity December 2024
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Jim Wells County in this month. This month 54 companies were registered, 86 were updated and 46 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2024
The statistics show the economic development of Jim Wells County with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Geographic information
Place name: | Jim Wells County |
Latitude: | 27.7313000 |
Longitude: | -98.0899400 |
Population: | 40838 |
Elevation: | 67 m |